In part 1, food/beverage intake and activity for one weekend day and two week days were collected.

In part 1, food/beverage intake and activity for one weekend day and two week days were collected. In Part 2 of this assignment, you will need to analyze your nutrition and activity. Use the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (Links to an external site.) and any additional evidence-based research to compare your results. This will be in presentation format, using PowerPoint or similar program. Be sure to cover the following information in your self-reflection:
Adequacy of macronutrient intake:
What was your daily caloric intake? Carbs? Protein? Fat?
How many “empty calories” did you consume?
Did you exceed your recommended caloric intake? (Tip: consider updating the “Wellness Profile” and view the Intake vs. Goals Report to see your comparison)
Did you exceed recommended cholesterol intake?
Adequacy of micronutrient intake:
Were you deficient in any micronutrients? Exceeding recommended intake?
How was your intake of sodium, calcium, Vitamin C?
Food groups:
Did you consume the recommended number of servings of each food group? Specifically fruits and vegetables?
Does your current diet omit any food groups?
Physical activity:
How many minutes of physical activity did you complete over the 3 days?
Was it adequate according to recommended exercise goals?
Overall assessment:
How would you say your health measures up to the Dietary Guidelines?
Were you surprised by anything in your assessment?Recommended changes:
Are there any changes to diet or activity you would like to make? Which changes and why?
Assignment requirements:
Cite in AMA format; may include references on the final slide or on each slide throughout the presentation.
Requires 2-3 references, including the 2020 Dietary Guidelines.
Be sure to spell check and use appropriate grammar and punctuation.
Turnitin is used for all written assignments to check for plagiarism.
View the rubric for grading scale.Outcomes:
Analyze a diet for nutrient adequacy
Define a dietary problem,
Identify potential causes and possible solutions for dietary problems
Make thoughtful dietary recommendations.
Diet Analysis Part 2
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThree-day food record
15 pts:
Meets Expectations
Analysis based on 3 days of intake and activity data, one weekend day and two week days.
Intake Assessment:
50 pts
Meets Expectations
Adequate description of intake data; addresses deficiencies, excesses and health implications for each; compares to 2020 Dietary Guidelines.
Activity Assessment:
30 pts
Meets Expectations
Adequate analysis of data on activity completed over 3 days; describes health implications of excess or deficiencies in this area; compares to current evidence-based guidelines.
Goals for Improvement:
20 pts
Meets Expectations
Identifies appropriate opportunities for improvement or maintenance of health regimen; if changes recommended, includes relevant strategies based on safe, practical, evidence-based methods.
Writing Conventions:
10 pts
Meets Expectations
No spelling or grammatical errors.