In regards to the production of your film, how much did it originally cost to produce? Where was it filmed? How was it produced differently from a typical mainstream or blockbuster Hollywood film?Explain

Research and find an independent film.

Once you have a selected the independent film, answer the questions below:

Q1: What is the name of your film, the director, production studio, and summary of the storyline?

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Q2: In regards to the production of your film, how much did it originally cost to produce? Where was it filmed? How was it produced differently from a typical mainstream or blockbuster Hollywood film?

Q3: In regards to the visual design and narrative of your film, what makes it different from a typical mainstream or blockbuster Hollywood film? Include if this movie created a new genre, Breakthru in traditional stereotypes, brought about a cultural change in film or society.

The post In regards to the production of your film, how much did it originally cost to produce? Where was it filmed? How was it produced differently from a typical mainstream or blockbuster Hollywood film?Explain appeared first on Essay Quoll.