In your response to two classmates (90 words each), provide feedback on how they explained their chosen game through the MDA model. What could be added, deleted, or modified from their post?

In your response to two classmates (90 words each), provide feedback on how they explained their chosen game through the MDA model. What could be added, deleted, or modified from their post?
classemate 1:Leryn Aguilar
Cyberpunk 2077 is a role-playing video game using the setting, lore, and characters of the Cyberpunk tabletop game. You play V, a mercenary in cutthroat Night City (who is fully customizable in terms of gender, race, aesthetic appearance, and backstory), who has to race against time to save their life after getting laden with experimental technology that is overwriting their psyche with that of prolific anarchist Johnny Silverhand. Mechanics in single-player open-world games such as CP 2077 are emphasized in the programming that defines the behavior of enemy AI, usually based on the player instigating dynamics (shooting at you during combat, vaulting over set pieces or using them to take cover, being able to detect you if you enter their line of sight out of combat, reacting to you causing a distraction), NPC AI (people going about their lives, often with programmed schedules which has been a staple of the genre since The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, by way of walking on the street, driving cars, eating, dancing, etc; they will deviate from this if you bump into them or use weapons around them, in which case they will run for cover), and vendor AI (NPCs who exist to sell you items and services, and thus stay stationary in pre-determined locations; to simulate “realism”, they function like real stores and have business hours). For more direct, number-based mechanics that are affected by player dynamics, you have the level-up system and skill tree which boosts your abilities and opens new branches with player input, the ability to wear/mix and match clothes to curate a strong armor rating, and a crafting/upgrade system that allows you to refine the stats of your clothing and weapons.
CP 2077 has nearly all the elements of typical game aesthetics (by typical I mean those listed as part of the MDA formula: fellowship, sensation, fantasy, narrative, challenge, discovery, expression, and submission) save for perhaps fellowship, if we define fellowship as real-time interactions with other players in the space of the game – the focus on rich characters in an RPG does give the illusion of fellowship, but such interactions aren’t actually real. Sensation comes into play with the game’s emphasis on graphical detail (on next gen-consoles and PC at least), the game’s score and the various music stations you can listen to while driving, and in terms of character interaction/literal pleasure, the game offers multiple but mostly optional graphic sexual encounters. Fantasy is quite obvious, as the game allows you to live a life in a grim, corporate-dominated future where people are more mechanical than flesh. Compelling, multi-faceted narrative is a staple of RPGs, and considering the game’s narrative hook is that the player character is on borrowed time from the start, there’s an extra layer of player investment, not to mention being surrounded by dynamic characters that are either out to help you, harm you, or both. Challenge comes in the form of combat, of course, along with puzzles in the form of hacking minigames. Night City and the Badlands beyond are a fairly large open world rife with side quests, many of which exploration based, encouraging the player’s desire to discover. Expression is a vital part of any create-your-own-character RPG; along with choosing what V looks like, you get to dress them, pick what cars/bikes they drive, what weapons they use, their fighting style, their sexual and romantic orientation, and what kind of a person they are by way of dialogue options. It’s easy to lose oneself in games like this; though there is no insidious monetization model that encourages constant play as a compulsion (yet), one feels the need to play into submission in games with so much content because it seems as though there’s always something more to find or do even after the main quest is completed, and if one has the free time, why not spend it doing that?
classmate 2: Nicolas Terranova
The game I chose is Last of us 2. Last of us 2 is an action/adventure game. It has apocalyptic environments including worn down cities, leaking houses, stores being emptied out, houses being left behind in a hurry and grass taking up infrastructures. A brief explanation of the story is that it is a quest for revenge and vengeance. In the trailer, the main character says, “Im going to kill every last one of them.” It takes place in three states, Utah, Wyoming and Seattle Washington. The game is a third person focus game, the environment is everything for this game, the beauty of light coming through tight window panels and hitting your characters face and you squint, the little things in this game is what makes this game great.
The Mechanics of Last of us 2 includes how you have a specific set of rules, for example, how a rope can be used for only climbing and pulling things. When you wrap your gun around the rope it tightens around and you have to push your gun away from the rope, and as for exploration, anything you see will and can be exploratory. The Mechanics that are very interesting regarding rules is that there’s an open area world that takes approximately one hour to go through fully, if you try to go out of bounds, Ellie the main character just looks at the out of bounds area and doesn’t make any motion, but if there’s an open area that is in bounds, she looks at it and kind of points you at that direction.
for Dynamics, the last of us 2 has a large focus on dynamics, regarding how you can use whatever weapon you want to take on the enemy at that moment. If you prefer a silent approach you can use a bow and arrow and a knife, if you want the loud approach you can use your sniper and pistol, and if you want to hold an enemy hostage you can grab them and aim your gun at them to warn the other enemies and give you some extra time to make a new plan. Let’s say you run out of ammo when you have a hostage, the person you’re holding will start to struggle and yell at their AI teammates and say, “He’s empty!!” and the AI will start charging at you. There is other mechanics this game includes which is the crafting mechanics. You can craft shivs, Molotovs and so much more to assist you in your fight to survive. The Aesthetics including in this game hits you so hard. In the first thirty minutes of gameplay, a fan favorite character dies in a very inhumane way. It makes you cry. Then the emotional collapse of a character that follows in the end of the story makes you filled with anger and wondering what now? This game plays with your feelings and makes you feel like you need a break. If you’re interested on seeing the gameplay that I am talking about, look up “Joels death last of us 2” and look up “Last of us 2 ending” You can see and feel the emotion the characters are going through.