ITEC Third-Party Tools


There are myriad tools available for managing the patching of information systems. While some network and server administrators choose to use tools from their network operating system (NOS) vendor, others take a best-of-breed approach by using third-party network management applications.

Please choose from the following list or you may choose another third-party patch management tool that you use professionally:

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ANSA by Autonomic Software.
Auditor Enterprise by Ecora Software.
Automox by Automox.
ConnectWise Automate by ConnectWise.
CorrelatedVM by NetSPI.
GFI LanGuard by GFI Software.
Kaseya VSA by Kaseya.
Kenna by Kenna Security.
Lumension Patch & Remediation by Lumension.
Patch Manager by Cloud Management Suite.
Patch Manager Plus by ManageEngine.
Patch Manager by SolarWinds.
Server Manager by Ivanti.
Shavlik by Ivanti.
SnaPatch by SmiKar Software.
SysAid by SysAid Technologies.
System Management by Cisco WebEx.
Discuss one of its distinguishing features and other characteristics of the tool, including its feature set, cost, and ease of use.

Any insights that you can share based on your personal or professional experience using the tool in an enterprise environment are welcome. You must write your own review of the tools prominent features; please do not include material directly copied from the vendor’s Web site or promotional materials.


The post ITEC ​- Third-Party Tools first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.