Locate an article from the internet that deals with health care statistics. Summarize the article and provide information on why the statistics are being generated and who the users of healthcare statistics are according to the article.

Locate an article from the internet that deals with health care statistics. Summarize the article and provide information on why the statistics are being generated and who the users of healthcare statistics are according to the article.

More questions to consider in your initial response:

How are these statistics being used to influence decision making?

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Other than those mentioned in the article, who else could be a user of the statistics?

Was descriptive or inferential statistics used? Why was that type used?

Were the primary or secondary sources of data identified? If so, what was used?

Must be at least 250 words with two cited sources in APA format

The post Locate an article from the internet that deals with health care statistics. Summarize the article and provide information on why the statistics are being generated and who the users of healthcare statistics are according to the article. appeared first on Essay Quoll.