Mini-Speech Analysis – You will watch the following speeches and answer the questions in bullet point format thoughtful, engaged, developed, clear, and responsive to the prompts below.

Mini-Speech Analysis – You will watch the following speeches and answer the questions in bullet point format thoughtful, engaged, developed, clear, and responsive to the prompts below. You must answer each part of the question to get full credit (10 points each question).
Rita Pierson Analyze the speeches’ organizational pattern. What organizational pattern did she use? Is it well organized? Why or why not?
Does the speaker or speech have a clear introduction with an attention getter, central idea/thesis, and a preview? How about the conclusion?
Are the main points well balanced, organized, consistent, distinct, and appropriate?
How did the speaker signal the end of the speech? What was your overall impression of the speech?
According to the concepts we’ve learned in class, was this speech effective? Why or why not? Is it still relevant to today’s society? Why?
link for Rita Pierson
2.Dena Simmons
Analyze the speeches’ organizational pattern. What organizational pattern did she use? Is it well organized? Why or why not?
Does the speaker or speech have a clear introduction with an attention getter, central idea/thesis, and a preview? How about the conclusion?
Are the main points well balanced, organized, consistent, distinct, and appropriate?
How did the speaker signal the end of the speech? What was your overall impression of the speech?
According to the concepts we’ve learned in class, was this speech effective? Why or why not? Is it still relevant to today’s society? Why?