Personal History(10 points) Have you had issues in the past maintaining a healthy weight(2 points)? Are you at a healthy weight and BMI now(2 point)? What are factors influencing your current status along with challenges that may impact you following a diet and exercise plan that you would like to have in your life(3 points).

Personal History(10 points): Have you had issues in the past maintaining a healthy weight(2 points)? Are you at a healthy weight and BMI now(2 point)? What are factors influencing your current status along with challenges that may impact you following a diet and exercise plan that you would like to have in your life(3 points). Also include information on how much water you drink, and if it meets the recommended amount(3 points). Goals (5 points): What are your weight and exercise goals(2 points)? Maintain where you are (why is it sufficient?), increase/decrease weight/exercise. Use the data in your calorie assessment report to discuss specific calorie changes that need to be made, in fats, carbohydrates and protein(3 points) Calorie Intake(10 points): State the recommended number of calories, compare to how many calories you consume – analyze your intake as high, low or on target(2 points). Look at the percentages of each calorie producing nutrient and discuss whether or not you are on target for each. Identify changes you may need to make to be on target with your recommended calorie intake(3 points). Include a daily plan for meals and snacks(5 points). Carbohydrate Intake(6 points): Acknowledge of carbohydrate intake based on recommendations(2 points). Acknowledge the sources of your carbohydrates (refined, whole grains) Identify changes that you may need to make. Fiber Intake (5 points): Assessment of adequacy and how to make necessary changes, if need be(2 points). Include health implications of your current level of fiber(3 points). Fat Intake(6 points): Acknowledgement of mono- and polyunsaturated fat intake based on recommendations (2 points). Identify foods that contribute to each of these (2 points). Identify changes that may need to be made in your diet(2 points). Saturated and Cholesterol intake(6 points): Acknowledgement of saturated fat and cholesterol intake based on recommendations(2 points). Identify foods that contributed to each of these (2 points). Identify changed in your diet that you may need to make, for both (2 points). Protein Intake(6 points): Acknowledgment of protein intake based on recommendations (1 point) and how to make changes, if necessary (2 points). Acknowledge how often you currently eat non-animal sources of proteins (1 point). Identify two non-animal proteins that you believe will be easy to incorporate in your diet (2 points). Vitamin Intake(9 points): Identify 3 vitamins that are not within the recommended limits ( 3 points). Identify foods that need to be consumed or eliminated, to get you within the recommended level (3 points) and health issues that could arise if this is not done (3 points). Mineral Intake(9 points): Identify 3 minerals that are not within the recommended limits(3 points). Identify foods that need to be consumed or eliminated, to get you within the recommended level(3 points) and health issues that could arise if this is not done (3 points). MyPlate Chart(10 points): Evaluate your diet based on the recommendations for each food group and Give examples of how you would make changes(7 points). Review the recommendations made for oils, grains and vegetables (3 points). Physical Activity(5 points): Give a description of your weekly activity(1 point). Identify the category of activity also (cardio, toning, stretching) (1 point) and identify if you are at the recommended based on the chart for designing a fitness program from the exercise pyramid (3 points).