Population Health

The objective of this exercise is to provide you with skills in using available data sources to analyze population health. This activity requires you to access the

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation website to research and discuss leading causes of mortality multiple regions.

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1. Go to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation database at: http://www.healthdata.org/results/country-profiles (Links to an external site.) and list the ten

leading causes of mortality in 2007 in up to five countries in any chosen region that is not in North America.
2. List the top ten leading causes of mortality in 2017 in the countries.
3. Use tables and graphs as appropriate to analyze and discuss any observable trends in leading causes of mortality in your chosen countries between 2007 and 2017.
4. Discuss factors that possibly underpin any observed trends. Incorporate discussion of the determinants of health.
5. Discuss potential reasons for similarities or differences in leading causes of mortality among the countries.
6. Identify and explain any potential biases or issues within the data that could confound comparisons.

The post Population Health first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.