Present a research proposal on how competition for food between the Apache, Comanche, US, and Spanish led to cultural differences.

Chicago formate. Project is a research proposal on how competition for food between the Apache, Comanche, US, and Spanish led to cultural differences. Bellow is the proposal description, I can also include sample papers if needed.

This is a detailed description of your project. It should include: your research question, your proposed method for answering it (your use of secondary and primary sources, any relevant theoretical models, etc.), the organization of your paper, the relationship of your argument to the existing historiography, and the broader significance of your argument and project.

You should approach this assignment as an opportunity to “think through” the project, but also to describe its importance to a broader audience. A scholarly grant proposal is a good model to follow

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Length: 5-6 pages, double-spaced. Use footnotes and Chicago citation (note-footnote) format. No works cited page.

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