Principles of Health and Disease



An 18 year old female is being seen in the office for lower abdominal pain and irregular menstrual bleeding. The physician wants to rule out PID and endometriosis. What are the sign and symptoms, and etiology of PID and endometriosis? What diagnostic test would the physician order? The physician also orders a CA125, what is this test used for?
A 19 year old male is being see in the office for a red, swollen, and painful left scrotum. What are the risk factors, diagnostic test, treatment, and prevention for epididymis and orchitis? Which STD scares you the most especially if you have teenagers and young adults, why?
Identify and discuss the function of hormones of the anterior pituitary and posterior pituitary. If a 10 year old patient is in anterior pituitary failure, what would you expect to see?
What are the signs and symptoms of thyroid cancer? After a thyroidectomy, what medications will be required from the rest of the patient’s life? What purpose does the parathyroid have? If during the thyroidectomy, the parathyroid glands also removed, what does this mean for the patient?
Why are cortisone-like steroids effective in treating diseases?

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