Private multimedia development company

SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND TOURIMS CSC00240 – Data communication and Networks S3/2020 ASSIGNMENT-2 DATA COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS Objective: By completing this assignment, students will be demonstrating their knowledge and skills leant from week 1-6 that include: o IP address planning Due Date Learning Friday 18th Dec 23:59:59 2020 Attributes 3 & 5 Weight 15% of overall unit assessment Suggestion This assignment is developmental and cumulative. You are strongly advised to start doing this assignment from Week-3 in your study. Leaving your starting date to the week before the due date is a very poor strategy for success in the unit. 1 Problem Context A private multimedia development company is opening its 3 new branches at the Gold Coast region, Australia. Head Quarter network has XYZ network devices including all computers, (X+2) printers, 3 servers, 1 router, (Z+3) switches and other network devices. Branches subsequently has (X+5)×(Y+5), XZ and ZY network devices including (Y+2) servers, 1 router, 2 switches in each branch. where XYZ are the last 3 digits of your student ID. If any of these three digits is Zero (0), replace them with the next non-zero number in your ID to estimate the size of each branch network. Recently, the company has been assigned with a new space of IP addressing and the whole network has to be re-addressed. 2 The Task You are contracted by the company to help with the IP address planning. The following is the new IP address space: IPv4 network: 1XZ.YZ.XY.0/18 (See above for explanation of XYZ). IPv6 network: 2011:BD8:?::/48 where T is the last four digits of your student ID expressed in hexa-decimal. Your task in this assignment is to plan and document ? An IPv4 address plan for the LAN. Please note classful subnetting is legacy, i.e., old way of doing things so for the assessment you do not need to care about that. ? An IPv6 address plan for the LAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND TOURIMS CSC00240 – Data communication and Networks S3/2020 ? Network Diagram: There are two ways of presenting a network, the logical view and the physical view. Please read the CCNA chapter 3 in more resources folder which describes these two viewpoints. You will need make a logical diagram for the network including all 3 branch offices. This is your network diagram mentioned in the rubric below. You are expected to provide an optimum address allocation solution with the following details: 1. IP address requirement for each sub-network. 2. IP address allocation plan for each network/sub-network including network address, subnet mask, broadcast address, default gateway address and valid host address range. 3. IP address allocation plan for key network device and interfaces e.g., servers, printers, router interfaces, etc. 3 Assessment Criteria Marking Criteria Max Marks (out of 25) Part A. IPv4 Addressing plan 10 a. IP subnet and subnet mask 2.5 b. Network address 1.25 c. Broadcast address 1.25 d. Default Gateway address 1.25 e. Key IP addresses 3.75 Part B: IPv6 Addressing plan 7.5 a. IP subnet and subnet Prefix 2.5 b. Network address 1.25 c. Default Gateway address 1.25 d. Key IP addresses 2.5 Part C: Network Logical Diagram 5 a. Correct diagram 4 b. Notations 1 Part D: Documentation 2.5 a. Report format and Presentation 1.25 b. Clarity of exposition & Readability 1.25 SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND TOURIMS CSC00240 – Data communication and Networks S3/2020 5 Assignment-2 Marking Rubric The following marking rubric will be used for the marking of your submission. Make sure you read CAREFULLY this to understand how your work would be graded against each of the defined criteria in section 3 above. Criteria HD D C P F Part A: IPv4 addressin g plan IP subnet and subnet mask Subnet mask calculation process is presented for all subnets. All subnet masks are correct. The subnetting plan is optimal and efficient Subnet mask calculation process is presented for at least 80% of subnets. About 80% of subnet masks are correct. The subnetting plan is optimal Subnet mask calculation process is presented for at least 60% of subnets. About 60% of subnet masks are correct. Subnet mask calculation process is presented for at least 50% of subnets. About 50% of subnet masks are correct. Subnet mask calculation is NOT presented. Most subnet masks are incorrect. Network address All subnetwork addresses are correct. About 80% of subnetwork addresses are correct. About 60% of subnetwork addresses are correct. About 50% of subnetwork addresses are correct. Most subnetwork addresses are incorrect or not presented. Broadcast address Broadcast addresses for ALL subnetwork are correct. Broadcast addresses for 80% of subnetwork are correct. Broadcast addresses for 60% of subnetwork are correct. Broadcast addresses for 50% of subnetwork are correct. Most Broadcast addresses are incorrect or not presented. Default Gateway address Default Gateway address for ALL subnetwork are correct. Default Gateway address for 80% of subnetwork are correct. Default Gateway address for 60% of subnetwork are correct. Default Gateway address for 50% of subnetwork are correct. Most Default Gateway addresses are incorrect or not presented. Key IP addresses Key IP address ranges are correct for ALL subnetwork IP address assignments for major network devices such as server, router, printer, etc. interface IP addresses are also provided. Key IP address ranges are correct for at least 80% subnetwork IP address assignments for major network devices such as server, router, printer, etc. interface IP addresses are also provided. Key IP address ranges are correct for at least 60% subnetwork IP address assignments for some major network devices such as server, router, printer, etc. interface are also provided. Key IP address ranges are correct for at least 50% subnetwork No IP address assignments for some major network devices such as server, router, printer, etc. Interface are also provided. Key IP address ranges for most subnetwork is incorrect. IP subnet and subnet Prefix Subnet prefix calculation process is presented for All subnetworks. All subnet prefixes are correct. Subnet prefix calculation process is presented at least 80% of subnets. All prefixes are correct. Subnet prefix calculation process is presented at least 60% of subnets. About 60% of prefixes are correct. Subnet prefix calculation process is presented for at least 50% of subnets. About 50% of prefixes are correct. There are major mistakes in the subnet prefix calculation and/or notation. SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND TOURIMS CSC00240 – Data communication and Networks S3/2020 Part B: IPv6 Addressi ng plan Network address All subnetwork addresses are correct. About 80% of subnetwork addresses are correct. About 60% of subnetwork addresses are correct. About 50% of subnetwork addresses are correct. There are major mistakes in the address calculation and/or notation. Default Gateway address Default Gateway address for ALL subnetwork are correct. Default Gateway address for 80% of subnetwork are correct. Default Gateway address for 60% of subnetwork are correct. Default Gateway address for 50% of subnetwork are correct. There are major mistakes in the address calculation and/or notation. Key IP addresses Key IP address ranges are correct for ALL subnetwork IP address assignments for major network devices such as server, router, printer, etc. interface IP addresses are also provided. Key IP address ranges are correct for at least 80% subnetwork IP address assignments for major network devices such as server, router, printer, etc. interface IP addresses are also provided. Key IP address ranges are correct for at least 60% subnetwork IP address assignments for some major network devices such as server, router, printer, etc. interface is also provided Key IP address ranges are correct for at least 50% subnetwork No IP address assignments for some major network devices such as server, router, printer, etc. interface is also provided. There are major mistakes in the address calculation and/or notation. PART C: Network Diagrams Diagrams and notation Correctly reproduce the LAN diagrams (logical) with detailed information about the IP assignment for each device network interface. The network devices are logically notated. Correctly reproduce the LAN diagrams (logical) with detailed information about the IP assignment for most of the network device interface. The network devices are logically notated. Correctly reproduce the LAN diagrams (logical) with sufficient information about the IP assignment. Correctly reproduce the LAN diagrams (logical) but missing some minor information about the IP assignment. Incorrectly reproduce the LAN diagram or the diagram does not contain major information about the IP assignment PART D: Documen tation Presentation & clarity Professionally presented documents with title, TOC, diagrams, headings and subheadings, conclusion, etc. Information is presented in a logical, interesting Professionally presented documents with title, TOC, diagrams, headings and subheadings, conclusion, etc. Information is mostly presented in a logical manner, which is easily followed. Document is clearly presented with all required information. Information is generally, if not always, presented in a logical manner, which is easily followed Document is presented with all required information, but difficult to follow as there is lack of apparent structure or continuity or sequencing of ideas. Document is poorly presented. SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND TOURIMS CSC00240 – Data communication and Networks S3/2020 6 Format and Presentation and Length You are recommended to present the assignment in a standard report format with the title page that details your name, student-id, unit, course and date/time information. There is no report template to be used in this assignment, so you can make your own template or refer to online resources. However, the report should be well presented with clear headings, titles, subtitles, etc. Due to the system setting constraint, the report 1 length was set with 1500 words in the unit UIG. You are advised that there is no formal word limit for the report. However, a good report is expected to be somewhere in the vicinity of 2,000 – 3,000 words from Introduction to Conclusion. Note that this is a very rough estimate and there will be no penalties imposed based on the number of words (no real ceiling if the content is precise and relevant!) 7 Submission Format There are two links provided for assessment 2 submission: 1) Turnitin link, 2) Assignment Submission link. You have to submit the same report to both links. If they are not the same or you don’t submit in both links, you automatically receive a Fail. The Turnitin submission will be used to check for academic misconduct while the Assignment Submission link will be used for marking purposes. Please make sure you review the report generated by the Turnitin system and make changes (if necessary!) to minimise the issues of improper citation or potential plagiarism. When you have completed the assignment, you are required to submit your assignment in the DOC format. You can follow the following convention in naming your file: filename = FirstInitialYourLastName_CSC00240_A2_S3_2020.doc (i.e. Gsorwar_CSC00240_A2_S3_2020.doc) 8 Original work It is a University requirement that a student’s work complies with the Academic Integrity Policy. It is a student’s responsibility to be familiar with the Policy. Failure to comply with the Policy can have severe consequences in the form of University sanctions. For information on this Policy please refer to Student Academic Integrity policy at the following website: As part of a University initiative to support the development of academic integrity, assessments may be checked for plagiarism, including through an electronic system, either internally or by a plagiarism checking service (e.g., Turnitin), and be held for future checking and matching purposes. SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND TOURIMS CSC00240 – Data communication and Networks S3/2020 9 Retain duplicate copy Before submitting the assignment, you are advised to retain electronic copies of original work. In the event of any uncertainty regarding the submission of assessment items, you may be requested to reproduce a final copy. 10 School Extension Policy In general, you will NOT be granted extension unless where there are exceptional circumstances. Students wanting an extension must make a request at least 24 hours before the assessment item is due and the request must be received in writing by the unit assessor or designated academic through student service (please visit for details). Extensions within 24 hours of submission or following the submission deadline will not be granted (unless supported by a doctor’s certificate or where there are exceptional circumstances – this will be at unit assessor’s discretion and will be considered on a case by case basis). Extensions will be for a maximum of 48 hours (longer extensions supported by a doctor’s certificate or alike to be considered on a case by case basis). A penalty of 5% of the total available grade will accrue for each calendar day (24-hour period) if an assessment item is submitted late without prior extension granted. Therefore, an assessment item worth 20 marks will have 1 mark deducted for every 24-hour period and at the end of 20 days will receive 0 marks. Students who fail to submit following the guidelines in this Unit Information Guide will be deemed to have not submitted the assessment item and the above penalty will be applied until the specified submission guidelines are followed. Please make sure that you submit your assessment well ahead of the deadline as issues such as internet connectivity may cause last minute hiccups. No extensions will be provided unless applied through special consideration with proof of genuine reason for delay attached. 11 Marks and Feedback All assessment materials submitted during the semester will normally be marked and returned within two weeks of the required date of submission (provided that the assessment materials have been submitted by the due date). Marks will be made available to each student via the MySCU Grade book.