Probation unit 6 assignment | Law homework help

Unit 6 AS: Sex Offender Treatment

Find a sex offender program in your home state, which is designed for offenders in a P/P setting. In addition to summarizing the program in conjunction with any pertinent issues, be sure to discuss, analyze and evaluate the following questions:

1. In your opinion, is the program successful, and, what does the recidivism data tell you?

2. What are the treatment methods? Be specific.

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3. Can these programs be used as pretrial diversion?

4. In your opinion, how can this program be more effective as well as fiscally prudent?

In addition to external research, remember to review the lecture, readings and resources for this unit to help you formulate your responses. Please be sure to fully develop your responses to each question presented. Your position, argument or rationale should never be assumed.