Produce a marketing communications research overview on Brand Placement.


Assignment Task:

Produce a marketing communications research overview on Brand Placement.

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This should be in the form of a critical review of academic literature of Brand Placement.

The paper should draw upon at least ten academic journal articles. It should be fully referenced in Harvard style and should aim to provide a critical overview of the research which has been carried out in your chosen topic area. The synthesis of literature should aim to provide a marketing communications practitioner with a full, up to date picture of the research in the chosen topic area. In addition, should be considered the implications of the research papers findings for marketing communications practitioners and suggest potential future research directions.

The research overview paper should be no longer than five sides of A4 (single spaced size 12 font).

Elements of the assignment include:

A critical review of literature in the chosen specialist research area

– A discussion of the implications of the research findings for marketing communications practitioners

– Potential future research directions


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