Psychological disorders flyer

Pick a psychological disorder category from the following options. Create a flyer designed to raise awareness about the disorder you choose among the general population. Please use graphics in your flyer (not just text. Think of what things grab your attention as a starting point).
You may choose from the following:
Anxiety disorders
Mood disorders
Obsessive compulsive disorders and related disorders
Dissociative disorders
Personality disorders
Eating disorders
Disorders in childhood
Using your book and Google, research your chosen disorder category.
Create a flyer that addresses the following:
Define the disorder category
History of the disorder (how it was perceived and explained throughout history)
Risk factors for the disorder
Who the disorder impacts most frequently (age, gender, race)
Recommended treatment and ways to get help (hint- provide resources to a local treatment center/hotline if possible).
2 ways to reduce the stigma around this psychological disorder
Make sure to CITE your sources



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The post Psychological disorders flyer first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.