
Purpose:  The purpose of this assignment is for you to communicate the scientific knowledge you gain both inside and outside the microbiology classroom about a particular microorganism.  All possible pathogens, are microbes that you encounter in your nursing career and therefore are relevant to your nursing success.  As you progress through the Microorganism Profile Project, you will research your organism and provide written explanations in your own words.  All written communication is expected to meet accepted standards for grammar, syntax, and punctuation.  The completed paper is to be in APA format and is to be submitted electronically via the Assignment Drop Box in Canvas located in week 9 December 2nd. 
Skills:  The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills that are essential to your success in a microbiology course.  In this assignment you will:
Access and collect needed information from appropriate scholarly materials.
Communicate scientific information in your own words.
Compose a well-organized, clear, concise, essay expanding your knowledge on an assigned organism.
Correctly reference cited material using APA formatting.
Knowledge:  This assignment will also help you to become familiar with the following important content knowledge in this discipline:
Fundamentals of microbiology.
The interaction between microbe and host.
Use of appropriate scientific vocabulary.
Explain the chain of transmission for your assigned microbe.
Explain treatments for microbial infection.
Identify preventative measures used for the pathogen.
Identify clinical relevance for nurses and or patients.
Understand the presentation of a patient with this microbe.
Task:  To complete this assignment you should:
Unit 2:   In the Microorganism profile module, find your assigned microbe.  Access the Microorganism Profile Assignment and Discussion forum in the week 2 module and acknowledge that you have received your assigned organism by telling the class what organism you were assigned and what it is, bacteria, virus, fungus, or protozoan.
Unit 2 to 9: As you navigate through the microbiology course, collect information specific to your organism. Use the Microorganism Profile Paper General Guidelines and Format  to through you in the important information which can include but is not limited to the following:
Type of microorganism you have
Gram reaction (if any), shape and arrangement
Virulence factors
How the organism evades the immune system
Diseases your organism can cause.
How your organism can spread to others
Ways to prevent infection
How your organism will be treated
What a nurse needs to know about your organism


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