Research a HR issue that is currently in Congress at the Federal level and prepare a two page, formal letter ddressed to your Congress-person based on your research and the position that you are going to argue for.

Research a HR issue that is currently in Congress at the Federal level (H.R.842 – Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2021) and prepare a two page, formal letter (typed, single spaced, Times 12-font, with one inch margins) addressed to your Congress-person; based on your research and the position that you are going to argue for.

The spelling, grammar, and proper citations should be of an: “A” paper quality.

Purpose: a copy of this letter must be sent to your state’s Senator or House Representative.

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H.R.842 – 117th CONGRESS (2021-2022): Protecting the right to Organize act of 2021. (2021, March 11).

Retrieved April 14, 2021, from

The post Research a HR issue that is currently in Congress at the Federal level and prepare a two page, formal letter ddressed to your Congress-person; based on your research and the position that you are going to argue for. appeared first on Essay Quoll.