Research article | Applied Sciences homework help

 For your signature assignment, you will develop an original extension of previous research. Part of the paper you will write is the methods section. One sub-section of your methods is the dependent variable, or the behavior you will be measuring and how you will measure it. For this assignment, you will describe your dependent variable and measurement system in detail. Be sure to covering at least the following points:  For each dependent measure State the name of your dependent variable(s). Operationally define your dependent variable(s). Describe how you will collect data on your dependent variable(s). Include any calculations needed. Describe how you will establish the reliability of your dependent measure(s). Include reliability formula. Another sub-section of your methods is the independent variable, or the procedures which will be implemented. For this assignment, you will describe how your independent variable is implemented and how baseline (or control) procedures are implemented. Be sure to covering at least the following points: For the procedures section: Explain any aspects that will consistent across baseline and independent variable sessions (length of sessions, where you will be in relation to the participant, etc.). You may include the type of design being used in this paragraph. Explain the procedures for baseline in detail. State the name of your independent variable(s). Explain the procedures for your independent variable in detail – not including data collection procedures (those were in your DV assignment). Describe how you will establish the reliability of your independent variable implementation (treatment integrity). Include calculation to obtain percentage 

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