Research the effects of trauma on life development

For this essay assignment, you will research the effects of trauma on life development. You will discuss trauma and resilience, how trauma affects development, and what might be the determining factors that lead to developmental delays when a…

Research the effects of trauma on life development

For this essay assignment, you will research the effects of trauma on life development. You will discuss trauma and resilience, how trauma affects development, and what might be the determining factors that lead to developmental delays when a child is exposed to trauma. You will also explore what research says about spiritual development’s effect on resilience and countering the effects of trauma.

You will write an essay of at least 600 words (excluding the title page and reference page), drawing information from this course, scholarly articles, outside readings, and presentations for that module/week. The essay must be strongly support ed with proper citations of 2–3 current, scholarly references in current APA format. These references must be less than 10 years old. DO NOT write opinions, but support your answers to the questions with your readings. Discuss and analyze the research presented and critically discuss the viewpoints. Ensure that the conclusion contains a good summary of the issues treated and offer suggestions for further study

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