Review the literature that compares the various inter-firm relationships against one another, and aim to compare their underlying theories, processes, and frameworks. What are their similarities, differences?

Focus on developing a unifying theory of succeeding in inter-firm relationships.
1. Review the literature that compares the various inter-firm relationships against one another, and aim to compare their underlying theories, processes, and frameworks. What are their similarities, differences? How to develop a unifying theory of cooperation that works regardless of the kind of inter-firm relationship in question? To support you, you might also review some papers/books specific to each kind of inter-firm encounter. Your aim is to provide an overarching synthesis of cooperation in the context of inter-firm relationships, whatever their kind.
2. Based on this appreciation, please provide managerial recommendations. Reflect thoughtfully on what managers can do, in various roles, to secure successful inter-firm relationships.
3. Please end your paper with conclusions. Please base your work on (a) a sound overview of the literature, and (b) where possible, real-life, experienced or media reporting on case example(s) from industry. You can conduct interviews with professionals if you so wish. Remain creative in your approach.