
A scandal is uncovered in your ministry. A high-profile leader has been embezzling money from the ministry and using it for sinful and criminal purposes. He initially denied any wrongdoing, however, when faced with the evidence he admitted his guilt. Because you are the ministry’s key leader, your phone won’t stop ringing and your inbox is flooded. Local news outlets want a comment. Anti-Christian critics are having a field day exposing “yet another” bunch of hypocrites. Your leadership team needs information and reassurance. And the man, along with his family, need to be dealt with.

In the midst of such an emergency, how would you speak to the media and community – in a way that is gospel-centered? What specific goals would you have for shepherding your team (or ministry employees) in the aftermath? Finally, what pastoral priorities should you have when dealing with the man, his wife, and their children? Your thread must engage the course readings and appropriate Scriptures to support your ideas.


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The post Scandal first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.