Select a clinical practice problem that can be addressed through an evidence-based practice project.Briefly describe your selected clinical practice problem.

To prepare:

Review strategies for evaluating theory presented by Fawcett and Garity in this week’s Learning Resources.

Select a clinical practice problem that can be addressed through an evidence-based practice project. Note: You may continue to use the same practice problem you have been addressing in earlier Discussions and in Week 7 Assignment 1.

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Consider the middle range theories presented this week, and determine if one of those theories could provide a framework for exploring your clinical practice problem. If one or two middle range theories seem appropriate, begin evaluating the theory from the context of your practice problem.

Formulate a preliminary clinical/practice research question that addresses your practice problem.

Assignment Instructions

Briefly describe your selected clinical practice problem.

Summarize the two selected theories. Both may be middle range theories or interdisciplinary theories, or you may select one from each category.

Evaluate both theories using the evaluation criteria provided in the Learning Resources.

Determine which theory is most appropriate for addressing your clinical practice problem. Summarize why you selected the theory. Using the propositions of that theory, refine your clinical / practice research question.

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