Select one or two role components examples that you feel aligns with your NP practice goals, and provide supporting example experiences specific to your selected role components.

Text-Chapter-2; (b) FL BON website:

Scope of Practice Statement: Your scope of practice is unique to you based on your NP
specialty. Your scope of practice must include the community and specialty that you intend to practice
within and the parameters of your APRN practice. To put it simply, a scope of practice is what you do as a
nurse practitioner. It is the population that you practice with and how you go about implementing your
practice. Many nurses applying for endorsement as a nurse practitioner find this the most difficult to write.
While it may be difficult to get started, once you have started you will find, as others have, that this is an opportunity to really think about your nursing practice and reflect on the skills you have and the care that
you will provide. A useful place to start is to read about scopes of APRN practice in the literature (*see
above assignment resources).
Role Delineation: The role delineation written section allows the reader to identify how you-the
NP-will achieve each competency outlined by the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty
(NONPF) and/or the AACN. Speak to how you plan to implement your NP professional role. This is
unique to each student. You are to write a brief narrative and include supporting examples to highlight
your intended activities. Ultimately it should show the progression towards the program goals. Some
examples of how you as a future NP will fulfill your NP role can be seen in the chart below. Select one or
two role components examples that you feel aligns with your NP practice goals, and provide supporting
example experiences specific to your selected role components.
Essential Components of Role
Examples /Supporting Evidence
Role Delineation based on NP
Narrative format plus evidence is required
1. Management of Patient
Health/Illness Status
Reflections on class lectures, discussions, clinical experiences,
readings, assignments
2. NP-Pt Relationship Reflections on class lectures, discussions, clinical experiences
readings, assignments
3. Teaching-Coaching
Sample of outline of teaching rounds, poster, in-service etc.
4. Professional Role May be evident in C-V, Proof of attendance at BON meeting
5. Negotiating HC Delivery
Attendance at Lambda Chi Meeting, Pri-Med, CMS seminar
6. Monitoring/ Ensuring
Quality of HC
Sample of peer reviews, quality improvement activities, Magnet
7. Cultural Competence Article citation, Web References
*Maximum 3-pages (not including required 1-cover page and 1- reference page, ** APA 7th edition)

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