Seoul south korea | English homework help

 please go through instructions attached

This assignment is related to the one you did for me before, I have attached the one you did ( which is evolution of seoul city) make sure to include those slides in this assignment because it’s all related and its part of it.

( in the table of contents answer everything but skip the part that says : Evolution of the city. You have already done this part last month and I have attached it here, just make sure to add some pictures for this part showing the different of now and then.

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Also, in the body content of the slides make sure to include citation, for example the citation of the picture, and in the last slide include references, please pay attention that citation and references are different.

references: is where you got your information and this should be last slide

citation: should be in the body of report : you put author and date that is related to the references which gonna be in last page.

Example of dubai power point is attached please check it out to have idea of how the powerpoint should be like