Summarize at least 2 articles on COVID-19 from an acceptable source.


Summarize at least 2 articles on COVID-19 from an acceptable source (.org, CDC, NIH, WHO, John Hopkins, Florida Department of health etc). Cite the journal articles using APA format. Follow the Clinical Paper writing rubric in Canvas.

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No Abstracts

Start with introduction

Answer the following in your paper as the body and site references in your body

a. What is COVID-19?

b. What is the incubation period?

c. What S&S would you expect to see in an infant/child/Adult/elderly patient with COVID-19?

d. What diagnostic tests would be used?

e. What are the current infection rates

f. What are the current death rates

2. End with conclusion

3. Have an APA reference page.

4. Use clinical Paper Rubric

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