Summarize the policy area How does it impact people that you work with

APA style title page, abstract page and references Section V of the paper that deals with addressing factors of disparity. include a discussion of the concept of and theories of intersectionality. A. Summarize the policy area How does it impact people that you work with. (Homicide Survivors/Domestic Violence victims) B. Provide a history of the policy. II. Intent and Scope of the Policy A. Define the social problem the policy was designed to address B. Causal Analysis – what causes the problem to exist and will the policy deal with the cause(s) of the problem. C. Gainers and Losers (who benefits, who loses through the implementation of the policy?) III. Analysis of Competing Options – Identify different ways in which the problem can be addressed based upon value positions or from different political perspectives. Analyze the relative merits of the competing options so that you can focus on only one or two options. In doing this analysis Jansson talks about identifying trade-offs as a way to narrow choices. IV. Performance Implications A. Strengths of the policy – How well does the policy work or do what it was intended to do? B. Weaknesses of the policy – Is the benefit sufficient? C. Unintended consequences of the policy? Fiscal impact of the policy? V. Disparity Issues Analysis (2 pagess) – Who are the populations impacted by the policy, with particular focus on disparity and marginalized populations? Identify and apply theories of intersectionality, social change, social justice, and empowerment to how the policy could better advance social and economic justice. VI. Implementation A. What would you suggest as ways to address the weaknesses and disparity issues that you identified earlier? B. What would you do to implement the changes you would want to see? Use the concepts in Jansson to discuss this. This covers the last step that Jansson sets forth. For example who would you develop a coalition with? Identify here whom you would reach out to in support of your changes. Who is most likely to be supportive and why? What would be your specific implementation strategies?