The purpose of this assignment is for students to identify and share a current piece of legislation working its way through the legislative process.

The purpose of this assignment is for students to identify and share a current piece of legislation working its way through the legislative process.
This paper focuses on a current healthcare bill of interest to the student.
A. Be sure that your paper includes the following:
1. The title of the bill and the bill number
2. Explanatory background (supported by references), sponsors, and an indication of where the bill is in the legislative process
3. Issues raised by this bill (pro and con), supported by references
4. Stakeholders and a discussion of their influence
5. Challenges (supported by references) and next steps, including effect on healthcare quality, safety, or outcomes
6. Clear and logical organization
7. Proper punctuation, grammar, and syntax
8. Correct and consistent use of APA guidelines
B. Your paper must utilize a minimum of three references. The ultimate goal is to support your statements effectively; for that reason most papers will require more than three references.
C. The body of your paper should be no more than 900 words in length, or no more than 3 pages in length. This limit excludes the title page, abstract, and reference pages.
You must submit a written paper in APA format for grading. Submit your document using the assignment submission link.