Think about ways in which your engagement with decolonisation 

Think about ways in which your engagement with decolonisation have informed your approach to lawyering and/or your understanding of the role of the lawyer; and

Think about ways in which your engagement with decolonisation

In this order there answer the two questions.

Question 1 (reflective essay) 1500-2000 words

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Write reflectively on the following using appropriate models of reflective practice and/or writing:
1) Think about ways in which your engagement with decolonisation have informed your approach to lawyering and/or your understanding of the role of the lawyer; and

2) Reflect upon your strengths, weaknesses, and process of development as a potential 21st century law graduate; include here a reflection on your wellbeing and also career development (including any work based learning)

You are welcome to include non-textual/non-propositional elements (e.g. drawing/photos/poetry) in the submission. Any words that are intended to be read in these elements will count toward the word count. This reflective piece of work should be written from the perspective of a law student living in London at 21 years of age. Talk about recent events that may be useful to this reflective essay. The above two points should be the main two basis of writing and also should be 700-1000 words for each point. Use OSCOLA referencing for this work.

Question 2 (Essay question) 1500-2000 words.

Firstly, does the law need to change if it is to meet the needs of society in the 21stCentury?
Answer in line with English Law. Reference using OSCOLA style.

More details;

The campaign to decolonise history has gained support from Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex. During a talk to students at City, University of London, in January, the duchess expressed shock at figures showing the underrepresentation of ethnicity in professor positions in universities, and encouraged scholars to “open up the conversation” about the curriculum. But what is decolonising history all about? Further, how do we go about doing it – and do we actually need to? Here, we explore the campaign to decolonise history and also ask 10 experts for their views….


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