Under stress, your traits switch to the gray bars in the DISC analysis. What does that mean for you?Explain



This activity is designed to help you better understand your behavioral traits, strengths, opportunities and how to work well with others that have different traits. Also, understand your values and if your current job reflects the values that you have.

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Complete the DISC analysis, including the DISC and Values sections.

Create a Video Essay (5 to 10 minutes). Imagine that you are addressing your supervisor as part of an annual review and addressing the questions below:

Describe your DISC results (top 2 scores)

Do you agree with the results, why or why not?

What are some strengths and opportunities that you have working with others that have different traits?

Based on your results, is there anything you want to change to better work/lead people with different traits.

Choose two people you work and determine what traits they have based upon your knowledge of the DISC trait. Knowing this, how can you be more effective working with them?

Under stress, your traits switch to the gray bars in the DISC analysis. What does that mean for you?

What were your top two values? Does your current job meet your values?

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