use virtnet (as used in the workshops) to perform

For this question you must use virtnet (as used in the workshops) to perform a cookie stealing attack. This assumes you have already setup and are familiar with virtnet. See Moodle and workshop instructions for information on setting up and using virtnet, deploying the website, and performing the attack. The tasks and sub-questions are grouped into multiple phases. You must complete all phases, in order.   Phase 1: Setup 1. Create topology 7 in virtnet.  2. Add a new normal student user to the MyUni grading system.  The user must have: a. Username: [StudentID] b. Password: [FirstName] For this question you must use virtnet (as used in the workshops) to perform a cookie stealing attack. This assumes you have already setup and are familiar with virtnet. See Moodle and workshop instructions for information on setting up and using virtnet, deploying the website, and performing the attack. The tasks and sub-questions are grouped into multiple phases. You must complete all phases, in order.   Phase 1: Setup 1. Create topology 7 in virtnet.  2. Add a new normal student user to the MyUni grading system.  The user must have: a. Username: [StudentID] b. Password: [FirstName]