Watch the documentary film ‘Art and Copy’ (I love this movie, can never find another one that I like this much on design)

Watch the documentary film ‘Art and Copy’ (I love this movie, can never find another one that I like this much on design)
You can watch it on Kanopy:
let me know if you have problems getting this film but I think it will be easy for you..:
Write 3 paragraphs (250 word minimum) on this film, consider and answer these questions:
For you personally, who was the most influential or interesting person for you in this film? Explain
Which advertisement did you find the most interesting or surprising, and describe why? Which advertisement would you say was the most daring, and why?
Which advertising campaign was your least favorite and why? Did you enjoy the film?
In one review of the film, a critic says that the film maker portrays an ‘idealized positive spin on advertising’ and it could be referred to as an ‘infomercial’.  Do you agree with this?
How do you see advertising differently now that you have seen this film? Or do you?