What most surprised you about the movie? What resonated with you? What didn’t you like? Do you see any similarities between the reporting process as it’s depicted in the film and your own efforts to report stories?

Following the film, write a response that addresses how the events portrayed in the movie connect with what we’ve discussed in class, your own efforts at producing journalism and what you’ve read in the textbooks. Here are some prompts that can get you thinking in the right direction:
• What role does “serving the public” play in the efforts of the Spotlight reporting team?
• What barriers or obstacles did the Spotlight team have to surmount or overcome to report the story? How do these plot points illustrate what we know about how journalism ought to be produced?
• How do you feel the film portrays the role of the press in a democracy?
• What ethical or legal issues do you recognize from the readings in the pursuit of this story?
• How do you feel the depiction of “the media” in the film compares or contrasts with your impression of “the media” in real life?
• How did the Spotlight team demonstrate the concept of “discipline of verification” and the importance of confirming information through dogged reporting? How do they “prove” their findings? Why is this important?
• A conflict arises at the newspaper concerning whether it is time to run the story or more time is needed to address it at an institutional level. How does this play out? Do you agree with how it was handled?
• What most surprised you about the movie? What resonated with you? What didn’t you like?
• Do you see any similarities between the reporting process as it’s depicted in the film and your own efforts to report stories?

The post What most surprised you about the movie? What resonated with you? What didn’t you like? Do you see any similarities between the reporting process as it’s depicted in the film and your own efforts to report stories? appeared first on Essay Hotline.

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