What positive emotions were attached to this success story? How did the other team members feel or appear to feel about the success?

Review the resources listed below.
Webpage: Steps to Building an Effective Team
Webpage: How to Build a Successful Work Team
Article:6 Ways Successful Teams Are Built to Last
Webpage: How to Make Your Team Active Participants in Organizational Change
Video: Leading Teams for Growth and Change: What Clients are Saying
Video: Leadership – Engage your Team – Create a Culture of Engagement
Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following:
Think of the success story for a time when you were part of a team and you accomplished the goal or created the constructive change you set out to make happen. Share your story and answer the following questions in your initial posting:
What examples of servant leadership and world-changing outcomes can you provide from your own professional background?
What positive emotions were attached to this success story?
How did the other team members feel or appear to feel about the success? How did you feel and what lessons were learned?(Adapted from Lindsay and Smith, 2010, p. 166)

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