Which of these statements BEST reflects John Naisbitt’s view of the future?

Which of these statements BEST reflects John Naisbitt’s view of the future?

a. The synthesis of new ideas, trade, communications and collaboration will promote global prosperity, freedom, and opportunity.

b. There is a growing sense of exclusion from the rapidly interconnected and modernizing world.

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c. People have always changed locations and now this movement fosters an exchange of ideas and values that create global communities.

d. America is changing more dramatically than America is actually changing the world.

Which of these statements BEST reflects John Naisbitt’s view of the future?

a. The synthesis of new ideas, trade, communications and collaboration will promote global prosperity, freedom, and opportunity.

b. There is a growing sense of exclusion from the rapidly interconnected and modernizing world.

c. People have always changed locations and now this movement fosters an exchange of ideas and values that create global communities.

d. America is changing more dramatically than America is actually changing the world.

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