Why did Coors’s competitive position in the U.S. brewing industry deteriorate between the mid-1970s and the mid-1980s

The assignment is to analyze the “Adolph Coors in the Brewing Industry” case that is included in your case packet. The following questions should be answered as convincingly as possible in your analysis:

Why did Coors’s competitive position in the U.S. brewing industry deteriorate between the mid-1970s and the mid-1980s?

What must Coors do to improve its future prospects?

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Submit a paper that is a maximum of three pages of text, single-sided, no less than 11-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins all around, plus any pages of exhibits.

You should create at least one diagram or exhibit that helps enlighten or support your answers,
and include it in your report.
Any exhibits/diagrams can be attached BEYOND the basic three-page text portion of your report, and exhibits/diagrams also can ignore the rest of the formatting requirements that otherwise apply to the three-page text portion.

The only materials you may use in completing your report are: (a) your textbook, (b) the Coors case study that is part of your case packet for this class. NO OTHER OUTSIDE MATERIALS CAN BE USED.

If you want the textbook names please message me



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