Write a minimum five-page paper, using the logic model methodology to illustrate how your state’s health department addresses, in their current program.

Review a logic model in CDC Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention: State Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Programs. A PDF of the document is available online at

https://www.cdc.gov/dhdsp/docs/logic_model.pdf. Please refer to the Week 7 video to assist you further.

Then, write a minimum five-page paper, using the logic model methodology to illustrate how your state’s health department addresses, in their current program, one specific focus area of Healthy People 2020.

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Your paper needs to incorporate the components associated with the LOGIC MODEL:

a. inputs
b. activities
c. outputs
a. short
b. intermediate
c. long
You can use each one as headings. Incorporate the components within your topic of interest.
For this assignment:

1. Include a rationale for the section of the specific focus area you selected.
2. Your paper should be at least five pages in length (excluding cover page and reference page).
3. Include at least three scholarly sources in your paper in addition to citing the course e-text.
4. Use the current APA Style and cite your sources. Your sources should be integrated into the paragraphs. Use internal citations pointing to evidence in the literature and supporting your ideas. You will need to include a reference page listing those sources.

Note: More than likely the research you will find from your state’s department of health will be on Healthy People 2010. Find the topic area that is similar, and apply it to Healthy People 2020.

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