You are to go on a virtual museum tour and explore insects in art.


This week, you are to find examples of insects in famous works of art. When you start looking, you will find that insects are everywhere in an aesthetic aspect. You are to go on a virtual museum tour and explore insects in art. You may choose one or two (or more!) museums

You are to find five examples of insects in art and write-up your experience. Please include the pictures in your write-up.

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Some points to address in your write-up for each insect:

1. What type of insect did your photograph? Can you identify this insect easily?

2. For each picture that you take, you are to do research on the meaning of that insect species. What does this insect represent?

3. Do you find this insect art aesthetically pleasing?

4. A brief paragraph of which museums you explored, explaining your experience. Did you enjoy your time exploring art?

This assignment is meant to be fun and enjoyable. We have already viewed insects in our homes, now you will view insects in our everyday lives in print, art, and media.

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