Young children’s cognitive systems


Because young children’s cognitive systems are still immature, particularly their prefrontal cortex (center of planning and logic), they tend to express emotions as soon as they are felt. Their limbic systems (activates emotions) develop earlier in life than parts of the cerebral cortex, so one of their important tasks is learning to identify and appropriately express emotions. Socializing becomes more important, and they further develop their sense of self through these interactions. Keep this in mind as you respond to the following questions.

Research child-raising practices of the culture of your choice and predict their psychosocial development (Erikson’s theory) based on your research. Be sure to support your ideas using specific information from the initiative vs. guilt stage of development.
Using the same research that you collected for the first question, develop a plan to help parents (of your chosen culture) teach their young children appropriate ways to express their aggression. Use your understanding of social learning theory to create your plan.

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