Your ability, as a professional, to use modern communication technologies to improve business practices is critical for business success.

Assessment 3
Assessment Type: Individual assessment I , 200 word (+1- 10%)
Purpose: Your ability, as a professional, to use modern communication technologies to improve business practices is critical for business success. Equally important is your ability to write well-structured business reports to communicate your ideas and recommendations to a range of stakeholders. This assessment requires you to demonstrate these abilities, in the context of communication technologies, in preparation for your professional future practice. This assessment relates to learning outcomes a, b, d.
Value: 30% Due: Week 10 Sunday by 5pm
Assessment topic: Using the sources from Assessment 2 Evidence Response, explain your topic’s communication technology, its uses, advantages and disadvantages. Identify the factors which will need to be considered for its implementation, as well as your recommendations, to complete your report.
Task details: Both Assessment 2 Evidence Response and Assessment 3 Report Response must be on the same topic.
Using the report format, you have used in A2 Evidence Response:
Analyse your topic’s communication technology,
Describe its uses, advantages and disadvantages.
Identify the factors which will need to be considered for its implementation in an organisation And give your recommendations.
Integrate the four (4) sources from your Assessment 2 Evidence Response into your Report Response.
You may decide to use each source for a different section or use a combination of sources in a section.
o Ensure that you use headings for each new idea to clearly communicate your ideas and give the reader a pathway to understand your written report.
Conduct any additional research as needed to support your line of reasoning.
Follow the Harvard online style shown in the Quick Guide for citing and referencing all your sources.
It is expected that your Report will show:
o A comprehensive and clear understanding of the topic you have chosen.
o Evidence of research and application of reliable and relevant evidence to support your line of reasoning.
Critical analysis and the ability to develop coherent written arguments.
Effective communication in the form of professional writing skills presented in a report format.
Your understanding and ability to use in-text citation and referencing skills following the Harvard online style shown In the Quick Guide.
It is highly recommended that you visit and consult The Learning Support Centre [email protected] for their advice before submitting your Report.
Submission requirements details:
Submit your assessment via the Assessment 3 Report Response link at the top of the Course Moodle page
Feedback: Supply your Tutor a draft for discussion before the due date. Check your Tutors’ feedback and discuss it with them before the due date.
The below assessment rubric guides the marker when awarding marks for your assessment. You should use this rubric to review your assessment task prior to submission, ensuring there is nothing you have missed.