A centrifugal pump is installed at a height of 5.0 m above the sump water level.

1.A centrifugal pump is installed at a height of 5.0 m above the sump water level. Frictional losses in the suction side of the pump amount to 0.6 m. The atmospheric pressure is 10.3 m of water and the vapor pressure is 0.4 m (abs). The NPSHA of the pump is


(a) 3.7 m (b) 4.0 m (c) 4.3 m (d) 4.6 m

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2. A centrifugal pump running at 500 rpm and at its maximum efficiency is delivering a head of 30 m and a flow rate of 60 liters/minute. If the rpm of tahe pump is changed to 1000 rpm then the head H in metres and the flow Q in litres/minute can be estimated to be

(a) (60, 120) (b) (120, 120) (c) (60, 480) (d) (120, 30)


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