Compute and plot the (a) flow-duration curve, and (b) power-duration curve for the hydro plant site.

1.A hydroelectric plant has turbine-generator sets as follows: 3 of capacity 5 MW and 4 of 7 MW capacity. During a certain week, the load at the plant varied from 28 MW to 40 MW. Calculate (a) weekly load factor, (b) weekly plant factor, and (c) weekly utilisation factor.


2. Four consecutive water years of data of discharge in the river are given below

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in Table 8.15. In this, the stream discharges are considered in 12 class intervals.

The available net head at a proposed hydro plant site in this river is given in

Col.3 of the table.

(a) Compute and plot the (a) flow-duration curve, and (b) power-duration curve

for the hydro plant site. Overall efficiency of the plant can be taken as 0.75.

(b) Estimate (a) the 75% dependable flow in this stream, and (b) 90% dependable

power at the hydro-plant site.



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