Analyse the benefits and challenges of using historic buildings for modern tourism, leisure, events and hospitality functions.



This assignment is made up of two parts, which are below. Must complete both parts. You should use maps, images, diagrams, tables and other figures to help communicate what you want to say. Label all figures.

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Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) and the reuse of historic buildings for contemporary functions are ‘tools’ currently being employed in cities around the world to develop what they offer in the areas of tourism, leisure, events and hospitality.


(A). Evaluate the concept of a BID and critically discuss the controversies around them.

(B). Appraise the impact that one of the Sunderland, Newcastle and Durham BIDs have had using examples.


(C). Analyse the benefits and challenges of using historic buildings for modern tourism, leisure, events and hospitality functions.

(D). Select an example of an historic building used for tourism, leisure, events and/or hospitality functions in either central Sunderland or central Newcastle. Examine the building’s history, its current function and critically analyse the impact it has on its surrounding area socially and economically.

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