Assessment 3 Critical appraisal of evidence

Assessment 3: Critical appraisal of evidence
HLSC122 Semester 2, 2021
Assessment 3: Name of article title
Word count: XXXX
INTRODUCTION – 100 words
In third person tense, discuss the study you have chosen and outline what you will be addressing in the body of your essay
Identifying the clinical problem – 150 words
What is the problem and why is this a problem for clinical practice?
Research question and justification – 100 words
What is the research question, is the question appropriate for the study design?
Critical appraisal – 400 words
Summarise findings from Critical Appraisal Skills Programme checklist
Application of evidence in the clinical area – 350 words
350 words
Consider the CASP question – will the results help locally?
Conclusion – 100 words
Do not introduce new concepts. State a summary of the finding of your review and the implications.
APA 7th style
CASP Critical Appraisal
as an Appendix