Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy

You are hired by the organisation, such as Southern Cross University, selected in Ass1, as a cybersecurity consultant to work on a security program to address the contemporary and emerging risks from the cyber threats the organisation is facing. Your tasks are the 


• Task 1: the organisation is currently using a password based authentication system to control the user access to the organisation’s information system. However, the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy recently implemented by the 

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organisation has raised some security concerns. As a security consultant, assess the risk from the BYOD policy to the organisation’s information system. 

• Task 2: After the assessing the risk from the BYOD policy, you suggest the organisation to replace the current password-based authentication scheme with a Certificate-Based Authentication for both device and user authentication. To justify your suggestion, write a technical report to explain the working principle of the Certificate-Based Authentication mechanism and discuss why the organisation should use the mechanism in this case by comparing it with the password-based authentication mechanism. Use figure when necessary to support your answers. 

• Task 3: You have identified “Phishing” is among the top cybersecurity threats facing by the organisation. Use available online (e.g., Internet) resources to develop a guideline for the organisation staff to combat with the threat. The guideline will include the following: 

o Definition of phishing and its distinctive characteristics. 

o At least three (3) real examples showing the phishing characteristics.