CN7021 Module title Advanced Software Engineering Module leader Paolo Falcarin

CN7021Module title Advanced Software Engineering
Module leader Paolo Falcarin

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Assignment tutor Rawad Hammad, Aloysius Edoh
Assignment title Coursework
Assignment number 1
Weighting 50%
Hand-out date 19 October 2020
Submission date 14 December 2020 23:59 (online submission)
Learning outcomes
assessed by this
Turnitin submission
Yes Turnitin Grade Mark
feedback used?
UEL Plus Grade Book
submission used?
No UEL Plus Grade Book
feedback used?
Other electronic
system used?
No Are submissions / feedback
totally electronic?
Additional information
Form of assessment:
Individual work Group work
Number of assignment copies required:
1 2 Other
Assignment to be presented in the following format:
On-line submission
Stapled once in the top left-hand corner
Glue bound
Spiral bound
Placed in a A4 ring bound folder (not lever arch)
Note: To students submitting work on A3/A2 boards, work has to be contained in
suitable protective case to ensure any damage to work is avoided.
Soft copy:
CD (to be attached to the work in an envelope or purpose made wallet adhered
to the rear)
USB (to be attached to the work in an envelope or purpose made wallet
adhered to the rear)
Soft copy not required
Note to all students
Assignment cover sheets can be downloaded from logging into UEL Direct via the
following pathway.
UEL Direct → My Record → My Programme → Assessment log dates with
bar-coded front sheet
CN7021 Advanced Software Engineering
Assignment 2020/21 Academic Year
This coursework consists of a group-based project; each group has around 5 members.
This coursework was designed keeping this group size in mind.
A list of groups along with details each member will be published at the Moodle module site:
this will be the final official allocation and will be strictly followed. Like in the workplace, you
do not get to choose who you are going to work with (all emails asking for group changes will
be ignored).
Members of the same group will be part of the same Teams channel and each group can refer
to their common channel tutors.
You will be required to designate a group leader. It is vital that each group nominates a group
leader as early as possible because the group leader will be responsible for all group
communication with the tutor and module leader and for the final submission of the group work
to Moodle.
The deadline for deciding your group leader and project topic is 31/10/2020.
Each group leader must send an email to their own channel tutor (and the module leader) on
or before this date confirming details of the project title and short description, and the assigned
ID of the coursework group.
Please include Student ID and Full Name for each member of the group and clearly identify
the group leader. Each group will develop a small software project from requirements to
testing. A list of possible projects is published on Moodle, but you are free to propose your
project, as long as the project topic has been agreed with the lecturers. If the topic is not
considered at MSc level, the lecturer might assign you a different project. Examples of past
projects ranged from a school parents’ website to an app for a canteen.
Each group is required to submit the following:

  1. Intermediate PowerPoint presentation (by the 9th of November).
  2. A PowerPoint presentation (max 15 minutes) summarizing the project report and
    introducing a demo (by the 7th of December).
  3. A video of the PowerPoint presentation followed by a demo of the main scenarios of the
    running software to be uploaded on UEL Microsoft Stream platform (by the 7th of
  4. A web link to a UEL OneDrive folder containing all the project source code and any
    additional material (images, configuration files). Alternatively, you can provide the link to
    an open code repository (bitbucket or github), as long as it is freely accessible. (by the
    18th of December)
  5. The Project report in MS-Word format (by the 18th of December).
    The link to the video and the link to the code must be in the title slide of your submitted
    Powerpoint presentation: “no links” means “no marks”.
    The contribution of each group member must be highlighted in the slides, at the beginning of
    the video demo, stating who has done what: each group member is required to contribute to
    the project and to the presentation.
    The report must be structured according to a template that provided on Moodle: failure to
    comply will cause loss or marks.
    There will be 2 presentations that each group has to do:
  • the first is the intermediate presentation will take place during the tutorial in week7 in
    which you have the current status of the project (introducing the problem, show a draft
    architecture, and use case diagram with some requirements);
  • the second is the final presentation that will take place during tutorials in week11 in
    which you will play the video demo you previously uploaded on MS Stream and the two
    tutors will make questions during and after the demo (this is to avoid delays due to the
    Marking Sheet
  1. Intermediate Project Presentation 10 marks week of 9th November
  2. Video demo 10 marks 7th December
  3. Final PowerPoint presentation 10 marks 7th December
  4. Viva (Individual contribution) 20 marks week of 7th December
  5. Code 15 marks 18th December
  6. Report: Requirements and Design 20 marks 18th December
  7. Report: Testing, Management, Quality 15 marks 18th December
    The University defines an assessment offence as any action(s) or behaviour likely to
    confer an unfair advantage in assessment, whether by advantaging the alleged
    offender or disadvantaging (deliberately or unconsciously) another or others. A
    number of examples are set out in the Regulations and these include:
    “D.5.7.1 (e) the submission of material (written, visual or oral), originally produced by
    another person or persons, without due acknowledgement, so that the work could be
    assumed the student’s own. For the purposes of these Regulations, this includes
    incorporation of significant extracts or elements taken from the work of (an) other(s),
    without acknowledgement or reference, and the submission of work produced in
    collaboration for an assignment based on the assessment of individual work. (Such
    offences are typically described as plagiarism and collusion.)”
    The University’s Assessment Offences Regulations can be found on our web site.
    Also, information about plagiarism can be found on the programme’s handbook.

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