MIS605_Assessment 2_Additional Case Information Page 1 of 1

MIS605_Assessment 2_Additional Case Information Page 1 of 1

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Additional Case Information
In a Joint Application Development (JAD) session, the representatives of the Student Enrolment
Officers and the Program Directors provided the following business rules:
 A Course can contain one or more Subjects
 A Subject may belong to one or more Courses
 There are one or more classes running for each Subject
 One Class is delivered on one campus
 One campus may run one or more Classes.
 A Program Director may be responsible for one or more Courses
 One Course is under the responsibility of one and only one Program Director. A student must
undertake a minimum of one Subject per Trimester.
 A student must undertake no more than five (5) Subjects per Trimester
 A Class contains multiple students
ABCU IT Support also provided:
 The System needs be synchronised with Blackboard. i.e. enrolled students will be
automatically added to correct Subject in Blackboard. Essaycove.com
Student and staff login credentials are stored in a central database external to the System. https://charteredessay.com/sbm1300-research-project-assessment-information-assessment/

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