Critically evaluate the risks and opportunities facing the corporate sector and designstrategies to enhance and maintain long-term corporate value.

The primary goal of this module is to provide an integrated overview of the most important 2 issues in corporate finance from the point of view of a manager of a non-financial corporation in today’s competitive environment and provide a starting point for a successful career in finance.

Specifically, the module aims to

1.Critically assess modern corporate governance and related issues in managing contemporary organisations.

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2.Evaluate principles and practices guiding the decisions of financial managers

3.Critically evaluate the risks and opportunities facing the corporate sector and designstrategies to enhance and maintain long-term corporate value.

4.Effectively apply modern corporate financial strategies to decision-making in a global context and evaluate risks from the perspective of multinationals.

5.Gain critical understanding and knowledge of emerging issues and challenges facing financial managers in the swiftly changing financial world.

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