In a 250-500 word narrative, summarize the party scenario and contracts, the breaches/non performance of contracts, and the contract remedies and damages.

This is a Cooperative Learning Community (CLC) assignment. The purpose of this assignment is to analyze different types of legal damages and equitable remedies for breach of contract For the Topic 4 assignment, you contracted with a number of vendors for a birthday party you were planning.

In this assignment, you will need to expand the party story line to include breach or nonperformance of each of the contracts outlined in the Topic 4 assignment.

The breach or nonperformance of contracts must result in the application of each type of remedy including:

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I. Direct

1. Consequential

3. Incidental I. Reliance

5. Restitution

5. Specific Performance

7. Injunction

In a 250-500 word narrative, summarize the party scenario and contracts, the breaches/non performance of contracts, and the contract remedies and damages.

Submit the narrative to your instructor. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of your story.


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