Define nuclear family and extended family discuss the types of societies in which each type tends to be more common. Explain why industrialization brings a transition from extended to more nuclear family arrangements.

Cite references if necessary
Acceptable length: write a minimum of 150 words per essay question
Chapter 11 (Families and Intimate Relationships) Questions

Define nuclear family and extended family; discuss the types of societies in which each type tends to be more common. Explain why industrialization brings a transition from extended to more nuclear family arrangements.

Define monogamy, polygamy, polygyny, and polyandry; describe the types of societies in which each tends to be found.

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Chapter 12 (Education and Religion) Questions

3  Define cultural capital and explain its relevance for the sociological analysis of education.

4. Describe the functionalist perspective on religion and discuss its major functions in societies.
Chapter 13 (Politics and the Economy) Questions

5. Define each of Weber’s three types of authority and give an example of each.

6. Differentiate among preindustrial, industrial, and postindustrial economies.
Chapter 14 (Health, Health Care, and Disability) Questions

7. Describe the sick role within the functionalist perspective on health and medicine.

8. Explain the major provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 in the United States.

The post Define nuclear family and extended family; discuss the types of societies in which each type tends to be more common. Explain why industrialization brings a transition from extended to more nuclear family arrangements. appeared first on Essay Quoll.