Describe dependency theory and modernization theory? Explain the ways these two      theories complement or clash with one another.

Chapters 7-10

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Give enough information about the topic
apply the chapter concepts and theories to real-life situations

Seek out additional resources to gain a better insight of the topic
Bring in examples and experiences to illustrate the point

Cite references if necessary

Acceptable length: write a minimum of 150 words per essay question

Chapter 7 (Class and Stratification in U.S.) Questions
Identify intergenerational mobility and intragenerational mobility and give an example to illustrate them.

Explain the model of American class structure and their lifestyles: the upper-upper class,
middle class, working class and working poor class
Chapter 8 (Global Stratification) Questions

3.  Explain World systems theory and construct a list of countries in each of the three categories.

4.  Describe dependency theory and modernization theory? Explain the ways these two
theories complement or clash with one another.
Chapter 9 (Race and Ethnicity) Questions

5.  Sociologist Robert Merton identified four combinations of prejudice and discrimination. Give each one example unprejudiced nondiscriminators, unprejudiced discriminators, prejudiced nondiscriminators, and prejudiced discriminators

6.    Identify subordinate group and give examples of subordinate group in terms of race, gender, etc. Also identify a subordinate group and explain how this group of people with minority status is discriminated against.

Chapter 10 (Sex and Gender) Questions

7.     Differentiate between sex and gender. Highlight factors of gender inequality. Give examples to illustrate it.

8.    Explain multicultural feminism and use an example or any source to describe the possible disadvantages and multilayered oppression that women might experience based on race, social class, class, sexual orientation, and age.

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