Describe descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics with addressing all techniques which you havelearned during the lectures. Give proper example for each.

Learning outcomes

1.Define and evaluate key concepts of business analytics.

2.Critically apply business analytics skills for decision making.

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3. Critically analyse and interpret the outputs of data mining models and forecasting results for end-users.

4. Solve managerial problems and make systematic decisions by applying business data analysis techniques.

5.Have ability to apply business analytics to various international business contexts byselecting appropriate techniques.

This is an individual Assignment.

Task One-Business analytics concepts [25 marks]

a.Describe descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics with addressing all techniques which you havelearned during the lectures. Give proper example for each [8 marks]

b.Critically discuss and analyse five published papers which have used mentioned techniques in the Task one

(a) with proper explanation. The technique, its application and the results need to be interpretedproperly [17 marks]

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